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Surrogacy is a method that allows women between the ages of 25-35, who have given birth at least once before and have passed all health screenings, to carry and give birth to your baby during pregnancy. Candidates can use their own eggs and sperm cells or choose donor sperm and/or eggs.

Gender Selection: Gender selection begins with standard in vitro fertilization. Here, a cell is taken from the highest quality embryos and examined using the PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) method. The embryos of the desired gender are then transferred to the uterus. In vitro fertilization (IVF) refers to the process of fertilizing male and female reproductive cells in an artificial environment.

Why Choose America? In the United States, donors are meticulously selected; this is a high standard that is not found anywhere else in the world. The quality of the donation centers we work with is far superior when compared to other institutions in Cyprus and Europe. For example, those who want to be sperm donors must be graduates or students of the best universities in the USA (Stanford, UCLA, MIT, UT, etc.), be enrolled in a master's or doctoral program, be at least 1.80 cm tall, between the ages of 19-38, healthy and heterosexual. Candidates who meet these characteristics are subject to a comprehensive examination. In addition to physical and genetic tests, their family history is also investigated in detail; the physical and mental health conditions of their relatives are also taken into consideration. Candidates who meet all these criteria have a chance to become donors.

Egg donation centers have a 72% success rate and have the world’s largest database of frozen eggs, reducing the wait time to zero. All donation centers must be approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and the FDA is the agency that enforces the strictest medical standards.

There is a wide range of flexibility in donor selection. Donors are evaluated based on your wishes (e.g. photo matching), personality test results, ethnicity, hair color, eye color, skin color and blood type. The donor selection process includes reviewing baby and childhood photos and all similar details.

You can designate your donor online by making your selections.

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